The Daily Me
Feature 20 - June 14, 2002

The Evolution of Mr. Eye
By Carol Swanson
You can cut off an eye
and stick it in a mound,
Let the rain pour
and the sun beat down.
Let it sit dormant, and just ignore it.

In the raw rudeness of it all
a green stem appears.
It grows in absurd conditions;
an environment where delicate plants would not even sprout;
not even dare to stick their necks out.

Yet it grows like the storms on the horizon,
that will replenish it.
It grows with the rays of light,
and in the darkness of the night.

Some even yield fruit below the dirt,
like Yukon Gold, and Aroostook stock.
They not only survive the elements,
but flourish into a hearty staple of a well-balanced meal.

It can be a cruel world trying to survive in the field,
surviving the infestations of bugs, beetles, and moths,
and standing firm to Mother Nature’s whims.

An incredible feat of evolution:
this baked potato that sits on my plate next to my steak.
This potato made just from “Mr. Eye”,
indeed he himself has the strength of Popeye.
The Super Hero, The Potato, he overcomes.

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